Monday 22 November 2010

Blog Tres

In todays media lesson, we were introduced to learning objective 1.2 - Our focus for this learning objective is too advertise our local school.
Firstly my teacher provided us with an electronic document on advertising techniques, i read through it throughly and annotated it with my own notes in my own words and put down ideas that can be relevant to how i wish to advertise and in which median.
I discussed my ideas to the rest of ther class therefore various ideas where being discussed, some people favoured certain ideas more than others.Doing this made us look at the way we can make our brainstorms more open mindly and that every idea we have counts even if it wont be be followed through.
I think the purpose of that task was to show how exciting and creative ideas can from brainstroming any possible thought or emotion, No Matter How Weird, Funny Or Random It Is Still Valid.

1 comment:

  1. It would be a good idea to jot down one or two of the ideas that were discussed so that you can refer more exactly to the focus.
