Friday 17 December 2010

My Meeting With My First Cilent....

Today I Had My Meeting With My First Cilent (Mrs Freear) And Showed Her My Final Copy Of The New Redesigned Poster For The School Entry Point Of Year 7.
I Gave A 5 Minute Presentation About My Stages And How I Managed To Come Up With The Idea For The Final Copy.
Mrs Freear Then Asked Me Questions About Why Certain Things On The Poster Was Like That And What She Would Of Like To Have Seen.

She Told Me That She Liked The Layout,Text And Colour Theme

Monday 22 November 2010

Blog Tres

In todays media lesson, we were introduced to learning objective 1.2 - Our focus for this learning objective is too advertise our local school.
Firstly my teacher provided us with an electronic document on advertising techniques, i read through it throughly and annotated it with my own notes in my own words and put down ideas that can be relevant to how i wish to advertise and in which median.
I discussed my ideas to the rest of ther class therefore various ideas where being discussed, some people favoured certain ideas more than others.Doing this made us look at the way we can make our brainstorms more open mindly and that every idea we have counts even if it wont be be followed through.
I think the purpose of that task was to show how exciting and creative ideas can from brainstroming any possible thought or emotion, No Matter How Weird, Funny Or Random It Is Still Valid.

Friday 5 November 2010

Blog Numero Dos!

We Started the Lesson by Evaluating Ms Freear’s Presentation That She Used for the Sixth Form Opening Evening. As A Class We Agreed That the Presentation Was Very Bland and plain In addition to the appearance of the presentation we also discussed what parts of information was needed, what we would add in and what we take out of the PowerPoint.
 We Thought About The Purpose And Audience That Mrs.Freear Was Trying To Target And If She Did Or Did Not Reach That Target.

We Then Did A 30 Second Introduction To The Presentation The Way We Would Say It Using Creativity And Originality. I Then Discussed With The Rest Of The Class What Parts Of The PowerPoint I Would Take And Why. Doing This Made Us Change the Way We Looked at the Presentation and transformed it into That Would Keep the Point Of View at Interest of Both Year 11 Students and Parents That Have to listen to this and Wouldn’t Loose Interest.

I Think the Point of That Task Was To Give A Understanding Of How The Appearance Of Our Presentation Can Make A lot Of Difference When Trying to Keep the Attention of the Audience in addition to trying to give them as much information as they need. Doing This Made Me Realise That You Need Paragraphs Of Writing On A Slide To Get Your Point Across But Just A Couple Bullet Points And Pictures And Explain The Rest In The Speech Element.
 Now Because I Have Seen A PowerPoint On The Same Subject That I Want To Advertise I Now Have An Understanding About My Layout, Pieces Of Information And Things That I Am Going Say. The Skill That I Have Learnt Today Is That Presentational Appearance Makes A Big Difference.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Blog Numero Uno :D

This is My First Post On My Media Diploma Blog, I Began This Course In September 2010  And So Far Its Been Really Enjoyable.
Already We Have Been Through Mark Bands And Created Several Powerpoint Presentations On Adverts,Media Professions And Horror Films.